Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Making Sun Tea for Pennies!

Growing up, I really didn't know there was another way to enjoy tea other than sweet sun tea. One of my fondest memories of summer's by far. I used to make this myself years ago and just forgot. It's so hot in the summer, it's hard not to crave a refreshing beverage. This is a frugal and delicious treat for the summer.

What you need: Jar and Tea Bags

This jar is actually a large pickle jar bought at Walmart (with pickles of course, this is post pickles).

I use Nestea Family Iced Tea Bags, 2 family size bags and 1 raspberry tea bag. *This is actually a pretty strong brew, we like to make it thick and then thin it out with water to make it go longer between brews.

  • Fill jar with water
  • Add tea bags
  • Place in the sun for 6 hours
  • Cool and Enjoy!

I think averaging out the cost per glass is about 7 cents a glass! Enjoy with lemon and sugar if you so desire (and I so desire some sugar in my tea). I'm actually using tea to help wean myself off of my summer soda addiction!

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