Get Coupons
One question I get asked a lot is where can to find coupons. Below I have detailed out the main sources for retrieving coupons to use at the Grocery and other local stores.
Sunday Paper (most common)~ Subscribe for delivery from your local paper or buy them @ your local store. There are 3 major coupon publishing inserts: P & G, Smartsource and Redplum. Find out what coupons are coming out this weekend by going here:

Are you in AZ? Check out the free paper La Voz and other local free papers that often put out a condensed version of the Sunday Coupons
Printable ~There are numerous sites included below where you can print coupons:

(General Mills)
Sunday Paper (most common)~ Subscribe for delivery from your local paper or buy them @ your local store. There are 3 major coupon publishing inserts: P & G, Smartsource and Redplum. Find out what coupons are coming out this weekend by going here:
Are you in AZ? Check out the free paper La Voz and other local free papers that often put out a condensed version of the Sunday Coupons
Printable ~There are numerous sites included below where you can print coupons:
(General Mills)
Sign up for where you can print coupons!
E Coupons ~

If you haven't signed up for Upromise you are missing out! You can earn money by regular purchases towards a college fund. Also, you can get E-Coupons where you don't need to print or clip!
Link coupons to your shoppers card
If you haven't signed up for Upromise you are missing out! You can earn money by regular purchases towards a college fund. Also, you can get E-Coupons where you don't need to print or clip!
Link coupons to your shoppers card
Link P&G coupons to your shoppers card
Mail ~ Get coupons directly mailed to you.
Sign up @ Redplum HERE to get an insert directly mailed to you weekly.
Sign up @ Valpak HERE (click on Coupons then mailings) to receive local and select grocery store coupons.
Phone ~ Coupons and technology come together, check out these sites to have coupons directly on your phone from Cellfire.
Sign up for Target Mobile Coupons HERE
Sign up for Target Mobile Coupons HERE
Direct Company Mailings ~
Sign up for your favorite companies newsletters, often times they will send coupons with their newsletters. Also, contact them for free samples and ask if they can send you coupons.
Websites ~
Check company and store websites for coupons.
Facebook ~
"Like" your favorite brands on Facebook as this seems to be a hot trend right now!
Peelies ~
Look for coupons on your favorite products throughout the store that are stuck on the front.