It's that time again, time to get your credit cards out and start shopping online for the holoidays (if you want to avoid the crowds of course). There are actually many advantages to shopping online such as free shipping, not leaving your home to find the best deals and online rebates! How do online rebates work?
You sign up with these companies (it's free and they usually offer you an incentive to join) and search for stores you want to shop at. Once you find your desired store and the highest pay out for the rebate just click on that link and you are done! It is very easy! You have to have a minimum in your account before you can be paid (usually around $20).
Be sure to sign up with all these sites to maximize your rebate opportunities:
Here is what you must know, you must click on the link to the retailer you want to purchase from, on the rebate site. Example, go to the Ebates sign up page I listed above. Sign up and then search for "Target". Click on that link in the Ebates site, allow it to take you to the Target Web site. That is all you have to do, sign up, shop and you are done! You can earn money that quickly!
Do not shop online without checking for an online rebate first!